
NBA Tools

NBA Betting Model

The FTN NBA Betting Model uses proprietary data to project the final scores of each game. The model also shows which sports book has the best price and the edge between our projection and the listed number

NBA Bet Tracker

The log of NBA bets made by the FTN handicappers

NBA Prop Tool

The NBA Prop Tool shows our projection, the edge, and the expected value of every prop bet on the board.

NBA Player Ratings and Rankings

See how each NBA player compares to his peers. Ratings are based on FTN’s simulation model.

NBA Team Rankings and Ratings

See how your favorite NBA team compares to the rest of the league, based on FTN’s simulation model

NBA Same Game Parlay Tool

The FTN NBA SGP model is the most advanced correlation tool in the industry. It searches through 10,000 simulated games to find how often the outcomes chosen occurred together for a truer win probability.

NBA PrizePicks Tool

Find the best NBA PrizePicks selections each day by using FTN’s Pick’Em Edge Tool and projections for the daily slate of games.

NBA Ownership Projections

Get the latest NBA daily fantasy projections for DraftKings and FanDuel, along with ownership projections for all NBA players for the upcoming slate.

NBA Projections

Daily stat projections for each player in each NBA game for the current day

NBA Optimizer

FTN’s NFL Lineup Optimizer for DFS is the best optimizer for daily fantasy (DFS) across DraftKings and FanDuel. Find those critical plays with low ownership that will give you a huge edge on the competition.

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NBA Odds

The prices on spreads, totals, and moneylines for each upcoming NBA game from all of our sportsbook partners

NBA DFS Rankings

FTN’s team of experts give you daily NBA DFS rankings for both DraftKings and FanDuel.

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Fantasy Basketball Rankings

Zac Graham has you covered for your fantasy basketball drafts with his comprehensive rankings of the top 150 players, sortable by team and position.